Thanks for visiting our Front Garden Festival page.
Please note this page is here just as a resource.
This is the residents info page for ‘Gardens Alive’ the 2022 iteration of our Front Garden Festival. There are no current plans to run this again -but we’re happy to share what we did if you are interested in running one yourself.

Tell me more about ‘Gardens Alive’ your 2022 Front Garden Festival

  • This Front Garden Festival was open to all -we welcomed kids gardens, food gardens, wild gardens, tangled, bramble abundant gardens are our particular favourites!

  • Participating gardeners were given signs to display for a couple of months across the summer

  • They also got a free gift - a trio of Bath artist Marian Hill’s wonderful Buzz & Scuttle cards.

  • Our judges visited the gardens in August and awarded all sorts of prizes - from 'Community Asset' to 'Best Year Round Garden' - we don't have set categories which allows us to respond to the gardens we have.

  • In 2021 we did things a little differently because of Covid - we handed out Garden Awards to say THANK YOU to gardeners for contributing to the mosaic of wild and abundant spaces in Whiteway

  • Our 2022 Front Garden Festival was a return to doing things properly - we called it Gardens Alive - with a focus firmly on wildlife!

Take part in ‘Gardens Alive’ Front Garden Festival & make a space for nature at the front of your house!

Gardens Alive is a celebration of Whiteway's front garden spaces.
Our gardens come in all shapes and sizes and the estate is a stone's throw from rolling countryside. Through our green spaces we connect the countryside with the city of Bath and we have an amazing array of wildlife and birdlife - something to be celebrated!

Gardens Alive Front Garden festival is for everyone - young and old, skilled gardeners and those learning, those of us with concrete drives and those of us with no soil - as far as wildlife is concerned every little helps!

From driveway gardens to wildlife havens, from patio pots to plants for pollinators, from bird feeders to edible beds anything goes! 

All residents are welcome to join in - maybe you have...

  • a space for bird feeders, plant containers, window boxes or a hanging basket or two

  • ambitions to redesign and replant your garden

  • an established garden which you'd like to enter

  • a plot next to the street where you can grow food

  • kids that you'd like to plan and plant and grow a garden with

  • a bike hut or shed that needs a green roof

  • a driveway that you'd like to green up

  • a balcony or railing that would take a container

  • just made a small pond

    When does it run?

  • Gardens Alive runs from 1st July-31st August

    How does it work?

  • email us or contact us through social media to sign up

  • you’ll receive a ‘Gardens Alive’ sign to put in your garden for July and August

  • the Judges will visit your space in August - they will view it from the street.

  • join us for the prize giving and celebration event in September!

    What do I need to do?

  • you can do as little or as much as you like - if your garden is wild and you love it then leave it that way!

  • if you want to improve an area of your garden then maybe this is the chance to do so.

  • if you only have a driveway but you want to start growing in pots we can get you started!

  • this is not about perfect gardens - our focus is on providing food and shelter to bees, birds, butterflies, moths and more - about gardens that are well visited by wildlife and connected to other green spaces.

  • we’d love to hear about the creatures that visit you - especially hedgehogs!

    Sign up for Gardens Alive!