Make a space for nature at the front of your house.

Blooming Whiteway Front Garden Festival 2017 will celebrate Whiteway's front garden spaces.
Whiteway's gardens come in all shapes and sizes and the estate is a stone's throw from open countryside. Through our green spaces we connect the countryside with the city of Bath and we have an amazing array of wildlife and birdlife.

The festival is for everyone - young and old, skilled gardeners and those willing to learn, those of us with concrete driveways and those of us with no soil - as far as wildlife is concerned every little helps! From driveway gardens to wildlife havens, from patio pots to plants for pollinators, from bird feeders to edible beds anything goes!

 All residents are welcome to join in - maybe you have.......

  • a space for bird feeders, plant containers, window boxes or a hanging basket or two
  • ambitions to redesign and replant your garden
  • an established garden which you'd like to enter
  • a plot next to the street where you can grow food
  • kids that you'd like to plan and plant and grow a garden with
  • a bike hut or shed that needs a green roof
  • a driveway that you'd like to green up
  • a balcony or railing that would take a container
  • skills that you can share or skills you'd like to learn

Anything goes as long as it grows!

The festival runs from May-July 2017, with a range of categories and prizes for kids and adults and with plenty of support, encouragement's and advice along the way - BUT you don't have to enter any categories, if you'd like to join in and show your garden for the love of growing we'd love to have you on board! 

Prizes will be given for all types of gardens and planting including:
Flower gardens
Edible planting
Container gardens
Driveway gardens
Pot of flowers loved by bees & butterflies (children under 12)
Water features
Gardens for birds

How to get involved- details here